Stop Trading YOUR Time for Money and Start to ENJOY Growing Your Business without Growing Your Time In It!

Application Deadline for Momentum Mastermind ends in...


Application Deadline for Momentum Mastermind ends in...


Most people think that to get more time and money freedom in their business they need to...

Work More to have More Success

Work More to make More Money

Work More Now to Work Less Later

If that were true... why aren't there more successful businesses?

Most people think that to get more time and money freedom in their business they need to...

Work More to have More Success

Working More to make More Money

Work More Now to Work Less Later

If that were true... why aren't there more successful businesses?

Because that mindset is an EMPLOYEE MINDSET


If the owner views their time, energy, money and resources as the primary thing that can generate sales in the business… then what’s ahead for the business owner as she tries to build out a team is overwork, client’s refusing to see anyone else but the owner, burn out, an entitled team that only works for the most amount of money they can make and less pay for the owner than when they were on their own in the business and ultimately - a business that is losing money every month until the owner has no choice but to shut it down and walk away.

Because that mindset is an EMPLOYEE MINDSET


If the owner views their time, energy, money and resources as the primary thing that can generate sales in the business… then what’s ahead for the business owner as she tries to build out a team is overwork, client’s refusing to see anyone else but the owner, burn out, an entitled team that only works for the most amount of money they can make and less pay for the owner than when they were on their own in the business and ultimately - a business that is losing money every month until the owner has no choice but to shut it down and walk away.

Building a team is one of the most challenging and complex parts of running a business… but not necessarily why you would think.

The "Warm Body Hiring Strategy" is:

Step 1: You hire someone who reached out to you to work for you and/or you hire someone who has the most amount of experience than everybody else.

Step 2: You do a quickie training (if any) and start throwing clients their way

Step 3: (not so) patiently wait for the day when you can start to work less, make more money and finally reap the benefits of all their months and years of building their business....but that day doesn't seem like it's coming any time soon.

If you followed this hiring process - you’re probably experiencing the same things our member's did before they joined our program like…

YOUR is totally dependent on YOU generating sales from your clients so you’re still in the treatment room the majority of the week taking clients.

The business owner finds themselves struggling to afford to pay themselves a decent living at all, oftentimes because team members are paid such a high percentage of commission, that the business is actually losing money every time a team member takes a paying customer and the business owner has no idea this is happening cause they’ve never looked at what the business can afford to pay the team member

The results and the experience of the business aren’t consistent or predictable because the business is entirely dependent on the results an individual team member can get their clients, so when it comes to a team member leaving or out sick or getting fired - clients refuse to see anyone else in the business because “nobody does it like Erin does” - so those clients do not return.

You find that you’re struggling with burnout and you don’t have balance with work because you has so many administrative responsibilities and managing the team tasks that have to get done AFTER you’ve taken a full load of clients for the day

You regularly contemplate “easier” business models like becoming an educator or having a product line because it’s just “not worth it” to have a team because you are STILL trading your time for money and the elusive "passive income" posts are filling your feeds and you need a break from the hustle!

Building a team is one of the most challenging and complex parts of running a business… but not necessarily why you would think.

The "Warm Body Hiring Strategy" is:

Step 1: You hire someone who reached out to you to work for you and/or you hire someone who has the most amount of experience

Step 2: You do a quickie training (if any) and start throwing clients their way

Step 3: (not so) patiently wait for the day when you can start to work less, make more money and finally reap the benefits of all their months and years of building their business....but that day doesn't seem like it's coming any time soon.

If you followed this hiring process -

you’re probably experiencing the same things our member's did before they joined our program like…

  • YOUR PAY is totally dependent on YOU generating sales from your clients so you’re still in the treatment room the majority of the week taking clients.
  • The business owner finds themselves struggling to afford to pay themselves a decent living at all, oftentimes because team members are paid such a high percentage of commission, that the business is actually losing money every time a team member takes a paying customer and the business owner has no idea this is happening cause they’ve never looked at what the business can afford to pay the team member or the profitability of their services.
  • The results and the experience of the business aren’t consistent or predictable because the business is entirely dependent on the results an individual team member can get their clients, so when it comes to a team member leaving or out sick or getting fired - clients refuse to see anyone else in the business because “nobody does it like Erin does” - so those clients do not return.
  • You find that you’re struggling with burnout and you don’t have balance with work because you has so many administrative responsibilities and managing the team tasks that have to get done AFTER you’ve taken a full load of clients for the day
  • You regularly contemplate “easier” business models like becoming an educator or having a product line because it’s just “not worth it” to have a team because you are STILL trading your time for money and the elusive "passive income" posts are filling your feeds and you need a break from the hustle!

The #1 Block 6 & 7 Figure Business Owner's Face


  • Your time is finite.
  • Your energy is finite.
  • Your emotional capacity is finite.
  • Your knowledge is finite.

The #1 Block 6 & 7 Figure Business Owner's Face


  • Your time is finite.
  • Your energy is finite.
  • Your emotional capacity is finite.
  • Your knowledge is finite.

What Does a Business Need to Grow Beyond the Owner's Capacity Limits?

Systems + Processes that Create a Predictable Result

A Team to Execute those Systems + Processes

To Prioritize Profitability in the Business to Be Able to Pay All Team Members Including the CEO

CEO Accountability so FOMO + Shiny Objects Don't Derail the Business Goals

CEO Support + Coaching to Identify Limiting Beliefs + Blind Spots that are Bottlenecking the Growth of the Business

It’s time to step into your role as CEO of your growing business so you can STOP TRADING YOUR TIME FOR MONEY and Start to ENJOY Growing Your Business without Growing Your Time In It!

What Does a Business Need to Grow Beyond the Owner's Capacity Limits?

Systems + Processes that Create a Predictable Result

A Team to Execute those Systems + Processes

To Prioritize Profitability in the Business to Be Able to Pay All Team Members Including the CEO

CEO Accountability so FOMO + Shiny Objects Don't Derail the Business Goals

CEO Support + Coaching to Identify Limiting Beliefs + Blind Spots that are Bottlenecking the Growth of the Business

It’s time to step into your role as CEO of your growing business so you can STOP TRADING YOUR TIME FOR MONEY and Start to ENJOY Growing Your Business without Growing Your Time In It!

Processes and Data are what turn your business from chaos to a Well Oiled Machine!


Processes and Data are what turn your business from chaos to a Well Oiled Machine!


Your Pay is Dependent on You Taking Clients

We will walk you thru the 3 Phases of getting yourself out of the treatment room and fully working ON the business and not just IN it. This includes strategies to grow your PROFITS, TEAM, and SALES so you can stop being an overworked and underpaid employee in your business!

*** If you're already out of the treatment room - we will evaluate where the majority of your time is spent, what your CEO Zones of Genius are that you should be spending the most amount of time in, and create a plan to eliminate, delegate or automate the other time sucks to leverage YOUR time to maximize scalability for the business.

Your Business is People Dependent and Not Process Dependent

We will identify the Desired Results & Experience Your Brand is known for and create streamlined processes that deliver those results to the clients so the business becomes known for the experience and results - not the individual.

You Struggle to Keep and Motivate "A Players" on Your Team

We will define key data points for you to regularly track in your business that creates role clarity for each team member, determine a juicy performance based incentive plan, and educate you on how data determines the decisions.

Your Pay is Dependent on

You Taking Clients

We will walk you thru the 3 Phases of getting yourself out of the treatment room and fully working ON the business and not just IN it This includes strategies to grow your PROFITS, TEAM, and SALES so you can stop being an overworked and underpaid employee in your business!

*** If you're already out of the treatment room - we will evaluate where the majority of your time is spent, what your CEO Zones of Genius are that you should be spending the most amount of time in, and create a plan to eliminate, delegate or automate the other time sucks to leverage YOUR time to maximize scalability for the business.

Your Business is People Dependent

and Not Process Dependent

We will identify the Desired Results & Experience Your Brand is known for and create streamlined processes that deliver those results to the clients so the business becomes known for the experience and results - not the individual.

You Struggle to Keep and Motivate

"A Players" on Your Team

We will define key data points for you to regularly track in your business that creates role clarity for each team member, determine a juicy performance based incentive plan, and educate you on how data determines the decisions.

The BEST part of this program is what you'll EXPERIENCE being surrounded by driven women just like you who want your success just as much as your own! Here’s more details of what you’ll experience over the 12 months of this program…

Quarterly 1:1 Coaching

with Coach Tara

  • Initial Call: During these calls we establish your 3 phase approach to getting you out of the treatment room + spending your tine on scaling the business' growth.
  • Ongoing Calls: Check ins on your 3 phase plan ever 90 days to re-calibrate your focus for the following 90 days to get you OUT of the treatment room fully and troubleshoot what's getting in the way of progress + performance, what obstacles you're struggling with overcoming + identify opportunities to leverage your time so your team can increase revenue growth and profitability!

Twice a Month Group Hot Seat Coaching Calls - 24 in Total!

These group hot seat calls are incredible opportunities to get and give support.

We will meet as a group once a month to discuss what challenges you are facing, what wins you're experiencing and collectively put our heads together to crowd source ideas and troubleshoot creative solutions to whatever it is that you're facing.

Even if you are in a season of stability in your business - the challenges your fellow members get coaching + support on are likely areas you have either faced and overcome in the past OR will be something that you'll likely face in the future and you get to take advantage of someone else's experience and solutions before you ever face the problem!

Quarterly Marketing + Promotional Calendar Planning Call

Once a quarter, we'll have a group planning call to strategize your marketing and growth goals for the next 90 days, establish your promotional calendar for when and how you'll promote any sort of specials to stimulate new clients, and help you come up with metrics of success to track for each promotion.

As a group, we can help you with your messaging to make sure your target audience wants what you have to offer, review your social and promotional marketing plan, and suggest how you can utilize resources, softwares, and/or outsourcing your marketing needs to reach your growth goal for the quarter.

CRISIS COACHING - for when 💩 hits the fan!

As if there wasn't already an insane amount of support...

We offer voice chat access to all of our coaches for moments when "crisis" happens! You have direct access to a coach if you have anything happen in your business that you're needing a sounding board and some logical and strategic input on - or just someone to hear you out who GETS IT!

The BEST part of this program is what you'll EXPERIENCE being surrounded by driven women just like you who want your success just as much as your own! Here’s more details of what you’ll experience over the 12 months of this program…

Quarterly 1:1 Coaching with Coach Tara

  • Initial Call: During these calls we establish your 3 phase approach to getting you out of the treatment room + spending your tine on scaling the business' growth.
  • Ongoing Calls: Check ins on your 3 phase plan ever 90 days to re-calibrate your focus for the following 90 days to get you OUT of the treatment room fully and troubleshoot what's getting in the way of progress + performance, what obstacles you're struggling with overcoming + identify opportunities to leverage your time so your team can increase revenue growth and profitability!

Twice a Month Group Hot Seat Coaching Calls

24 in Total!

These group hot seat calls are incredible opportunities to get and give support.

We will meet as a group once a month to discuss what challenges you are facing, what wins you're experiencing and collectively put our heads together to crowd source ideas and troubleshoot creative solutions to whatever it is that you're facing.

Even if you are in a season of stability in your business - the challenges your fellow members get coaching + support on are likely areas you have either faced and overcome in the past OR will be something that you'll likely face in the future and you get to take advantage of someone else's experience and solutions before you ever face the problem!

Quarterly Marketing + Promotional Calendar Planning Call

Once a quarter, we'll have a group planning call to strategize your marketing and growth goals for the next 90 days, establish your promotional calendar for when and how you'll promote any sort of specials to stimulate new clients, and help you come up with metrics of success to track for each promotion.

As a group, we can help you with your messaging to make sure your target audience wants what you have to offer, review your social and promotional marketing plan, and suggest how you can utilize resources, softwares, and/or outsourcing your marketing needs to reach your growth goal for the quarter.

CRISIS COACHING - for when 💩 hits the fan!

As if there wasn't already an insane amount of support...

We offer voice chat access to all of our coaches for moments when "crisis" happens! You have direct access to a coach if you have anything happen in your business that you're needing a sounding board and some logical and strategic input on - or just someone to hear you out who GETS IT!

PLUS the MOST amount of support, coaching and proven business strategy this industry has to offer is waiting for you... so apply TODAY before applications close on March 29, 2024!

Daily Access to our High Level Community of Beauty

Biz Entrepreneurs 

TWO Live, In Person Retreats

Digital Course Library Access

Society Xcelerator

The Lashpreneur Society

Dominating the DM's

Know Your Numbers Masterclass

PLUS the MOST amount of support, coaching and proven business strategy this industry has to offer is waiting for you... so apply TODAY before applications close on March 29, 2024!

Daily Access to our High Level Community of Beauty Biz Entrepreneurs

TWO Live, In Person Retreats

Digital Course Library

Society Xcelerator

The Lashpreneur Society

Dominating the DM's

Know Your Numbers Masterclass


Click on "APPLY NOW" below to fill out the application and book your 45 minute call with Coach Tara to discuss where your business is at and where you want it to go and if Momentun Mastermind is the right next step to help you grow your business and your team!

Side Note: Submitting your application to the program does not mean you are obligated to join the program nor does it guarantee a seat in the program. Your application allows us to jump on a call to go more in depth into your biz goals and see if this program is the right next step for you to reach your goals better/easier/faster and answer any questions you have before you make a decision to move forward with joining us for this season.


Click on "APPLY NOW" below to fill out the application and book your 45 minute call with Coach Tara to discuss where your business is at and where you want it to go and if Momentun Mastermind is the right next step to help you grow your business and your team!

Side Note: Submitting your application to the program does not mean you are obligated to join the program nor does it guarantee a seat in the program. Your application allows us to jump on a call to go more in depth into your biz goals and see if this program is the right next step for you to reach your goals better/easier/faster and answer any questions you have before you make a decision to move forward with joining us for this season.

Your Most Popular Questions Answered!


Answer: This is a 12 month long program. As far as time commitment required for this program, the expectation is that you will attend the two group hot seat coaching calls a month, work thru the trainings inside of our coaching portal called Kajabi and attend the In person retreats… in person! The marketing calls, Facebook group interaction, strategy calls, etc… if you don’t want to participate, that’s on you. However I might ask why wouldn’t you?

But we totally get you’ve got a life to live and a business to run! So as long as you can be consistent with showing up to the regular coaching calls and the live events - we have no doubt that you will absolutely transform your business over the course of these 12 months together!


Answer: We only open up enrollment to this program 3 times a year AND we keep this program EXTREMELY small due to the high level of support we offer.

If you’re unable to join this open enrollment period, we invite you to DM us #buildateam on Instagram and we can talk about how to grow your team and sales between now and the next application period!


Answer: Awesome! We're so glad you're here! Momentum Mastermind does have a requirement of $100,000 in annual sales AND at least 1 W-2 employee generating consistent sales in your business to be eligible to apply. If you're not there yet, we highly recommend one of our other two programs to be working on until next season's application period.

If you need help building your business and clientele so you have enough demand to hire a team member, we recommend joining our monthly group coaching program - THE LASHPRENEUR SOCIETY. You can learn more about The Lashpreneur Society HERE

If you're fully booked and ready to hire your first team member the right way - profitably - our X(celerator) program is the next right step that will walk you thru the step by step process of how to hire your first (or next) profit producing team member. Learn more about the Xcelerator program HERE


Answer: Great question! ABSOLUTELY! While we have a soft spot in our hearts for lash business owners - we recognize how many different beauty service businesses have MULTIPLE treatments, services, modalities and offerings and business strategy, team building, marketing and data based decision making applies to ALL service types. However please note - we do specialize in esthetic services as opposed to hair!

We only require that you have a beauty service based business to apply and reap the max benefits of the program. We have had members operate businesses that include services like waxing, facials, permanent makeup, med spas, special occasion makeup, hair and (obvi) lash services, just to name a few!

If you have a product line, are an educator, or are not a beauty service based business and you do not offer beauty services as your primary sales revenue - this program and this community probably isn't the ideal fit for your needs.

Your Most Popular Questions Answered!


Answer: This is a 12 month long program. As far as time commitment required for this program, the expectation is that you will attend the two group hot seat coaching calls a month, work thru the trainings inside of our coaching portal called Kajabi and attend the In person retreats… in person! The marketing calls, Facebook group interaction, strategy calls, etc… if you don’t want to participate, that’s on you. However I might ask why wouldn’t you?

But we totally get you’ve got a life to live and a business to run! So as long as you can be consistent with showing up to the regular coaching calls and the live events - we have no doubt that you will absolutely transform your business over the course of these 6 months together!


Answer: We only open up enrollment to this program 3 times a year AND we keep this program EXTREMELY small due to the high level of support we offer.

If you’re unable to join this Season, we invite you to DM us #buildateam on Instagram and we can talk about how to grow your team and sales between now and the next application period!


Answer: Awesome! We're so glad you're here! Momentum Mastermind does have a requirement of $100,000 in annual sales AND at least 1 employee generating consistent sales in your business to be eligible to apply. If you're not there yet, we highly recommend one of our other two programs to be working on until next season's application period.

If you need help building your business and clientele so you have enough demand to hire a team member, we recommend joining our monthly group coaching program - THE LASHPRENEUR SOCIETY. coaching program - THE LASHPRENEUR SOCIETY. You can learn more about The Lashpreneur Society HERE

If you're fully booked and ready to hire your first team member the right way - profitably - our Xcelerator program is the right next step that will walk you thru the step by step process of how to hire your first (or next) profit producing team member. Learn more about the Xcelerator program HERE


Answer: Great question! ABSOLUTELY! While we have a soft spot in our hearts for lash business owners - we recognize how many different beauty service businesses have MULTIPLE treatments, services, modalities and offerings and business strategy, team building, marketing and data based decision making applies to ALL service types. However please note - we do specialize in esthetic services as opposed to hair!

We only require that you have a beauty service based business to apply and reap the max benefits of the program. We have had members operate businesses that include services like waxing, facials, permanent makeup, special occasion makeup, hair and (obvi) lash services, just to name a few!

If you have a product line, are an educator, or are not a beauty service based business and you do not offer beauty services as your primary sales revenue - this program and this community probably isn't the ideal fit for your needs.